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250th WOD Club

So many of you have reached (or are close to reaching) 250 WOD’s here in the box! That is an exclusive club and something we think you should be proud of. We have a 100th WOD Club already complete with a T-Shirt that you earn the right to purchase and wear ($15 – pictured below). If you have recently achieved 100 WOD’s and want a shirt then let us know as we have many different sizes in stock. The 250 T is the one way of wearing your accomplishment proudly.

If you have logged 250 WOD’s at SnoRidge CF then you can buy a distinctive T shirt that loudly says “KICKASS-TASTIC” (not literally but figuratively). Women’s will be Orchid Purple with light colored ink and Men’s will be Red with black ink. Both shirts are an American Apparel 50/50 blend.

If you have earned (or are getting close i.e. 200 plus) and want either of these shirts then please POST to comments with your size please so we can include in our order! Order is going in this Wednesday.

250th WOD Club T ($15):

250wodmockup Final

100th WOD Club T ($15):

100wodmockup-2 copy

We are also working on a long sleeve thermal for men and women in a Squatch-free “100 Words of Fitness” design. Will have SnoRidge CrossFit down one sleeve, a small SRCF logo on the front, and the 100 Words definition on the back (“100 Words” are on the top right of our site). Stay tuned.

Nutrition Tips From Your Fellow Coaches:

Paleo Food Prep

Mark B. shared his meal prep today: “Eating paleo takes too much time”

10 minutes in the am before work. Threw together am entire days worth of food. This is a typical day for me. I ate breakfast at home, and this will take me through the day at work and through the night at the fire station. 

Top container is 4 eggs mixed with some salsa. Bottom container is 6oz. Of ground turkey mixed with a salad mix from Costco, some brussel sprouts, and topped with some guac and salsa. Shake is a scoop and a half of protein powder, 1 spoonful of cocoa powder, and 2 spoonfulls of coconut milk. A bag of macadamia nuts and some fish oil pills.

Disclaimer: I know the shake is not paleo. I use it as a post WOD recovery since I cannot stomach chicken or sweet potatoes after a hard WOD. I use a pure whey protein powder that has minimal ingredients.