Main Class:
As a team of 2 compete head to head for 4 Rounds of max rounds/reps of:
400m Run
Max rounds/reps of:
5 Thrusters (95#/65#)
5 Toes-to-Bar
Partner up and “duel” at thrusters and T2B. Most reps after 4 rounds wins. Run fast so you can out-do your partner!
- One runs 400m while one completes max rounds/reps of 5 Thrusters and 5 T2B
- Switch after each run
- Each partner will run 4 times and complete the AMRAP while the other runs
- Don’t tell your rep count until the end of the WOD
Advanced RX Class:
Strength WOD:
Every Minute On the Minute for 7 Minutes (EMOM) complete:
2 Back Squat (Choose Load)
Conditioning WOD:
For time:
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Thrusters (115#/85#)
800m Run
20 Thrusters
30 Toes-to-Bar
Congrats to Bill on his 500th WOD! Also congrats to Team Breast Ever Super Heroes (Jill, Jules, and Michelle N.) who competed at Agate Pass CrossFit yesterday in the Barbells for Boobs throwdown and took 8th place out of 18 teams!
“Team Breast Ever Super Heroes” (pic by Debra):
Ro and Miranda Want You … for the Invitational
How to Watch the CrossFit Invitational