Follow the Leader

As a team of 3 (or 2) each individual complete the following for time:

1000m Row
40 Ball Slams (40#/30#)
30 Burpees
20 Hang Power Cleans (135#/95#)
10 Over the Box Jumps (24″/20″)
400m Run

* Follow the Leader. You must stay in order of exercises; do not begin the next exercise until the teammate in front of you has moved on to the next movement. You may run immediately if your partner has already begun their run.
** Jump up and over box, you may land on box and jump off.

Checkout WOD: 

50-30-10 Reps of each for time of: 
AbMat Sit-ups


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Follow the Leader

Good day today to work off the Thanksgiving indulgence and then go home to overeat the leftovers. Tomorrow is our annual “MoBros” WOD and our close-out of Movember. Wear any one of our Movember t-shirts and be prepared to run waves for the 0930 class as needed. MoSistas feel free to wear your own stache, so long as it’s temporary.

If you would like to support our MoBros help raise funds for prostate and testicular cancer then please donate a couple bucks here: SnoRidge MoBros

I’m beginning to think Frank is addicted to getting on the website. 

Gagnam Style WOD entertainment:

Gagnam Style - 1 Gagnam Style - 2 Gagnam Style - 3