Death By Clean and Jerk

With a continuously running clock perform 1 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#) the first minute, 2 Clean and Jerks the second minute, 3 Clean and Jerks the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and partial reps in the last round completed. 


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Canada Day WOD Results

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Intensity takes on many faces:

“Amanda concentrating on the clock”


“Justin concentrating on his Blue Steel look”


This WOD lives up to its name. After starting slow you suddenly find yourself racing the clock and as it adds up literally feels like death. Most underestimate this workout and overestimate the rounds they think they will get. To get to the later rounds you must overcome the voice screaming in your head to stop and just go after it with as high an intensity level as you can bring. I love these types of WOD’s because getting further along really demands an ability to move large loads fast and efficiently while also shutting out the pain. Getting that extra round means destruction, or at least having to really “go there”. 

Death by Clean and Jerk” with Mikko Salo, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Death by C and J 


Saturday schedule is normal. Post sign-ups for 10am or just come to the 11am class! Monday will be a 10am class for all. 

Read “High” by Lisbeth Darsh of CrossFit Watertown:

It should look like this. Wreckage. Destruction. Annihilation. After “Power Cindy” you should look like somebody just pistol-whipped you or shoved a needle in your vein. 

You should be wrecked. And if you’re not? 

Then your pacing was off, your intensity level was too low, your plan was too measured.

CrossFit, done right, is like taking drugs…

 (continue reading High“)

I can totally identify with this. Post your thoughts to comments.