"Yay Burpees"

7 Rounds for time: 
10 Medicine Ball Cleans (20#/14#)
10 Burpees


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Did you really think we forgot about burpees? I promise these won’t be gone as long next time.

Bridget Med Ball Clean Pat Burpee


Welcome Sangeeta and Brian who completed their Elements this week and will be joining you all in classes next week. 

We are one week away from the Snoqualmie Turkey Trot 5k. Many have committed to running but don’t forget to register. If you register ahead of time it will guarantee you a race shirt. Race details are over on the right of the page under “Upcoming Events”. A few of the little Squatches are running the kids 1k so if you want to make a posse sign ’em up!

If you pre-ordered a shirt pick it up next time you are in the gym. If you want to order one let us know so we can include in the follow-up order we are sending in next week.

Several of you are now on Beyond the Whiteboard! It’s great to see many of you logging your training online in a forum that allows you to not only track your own progress but to see how other CrossFitters out there stack up. You still need to keep a notebook in the gym however so you can easily have your loads/heights and scaled or Rx’d movements at your fingertips for WOD’s. If you have any BTWB feedback or “wants” then post to comments as I am collecting my observations to send into the site developers to hopefully include in future updates.