
Another birthday WOD in September? This is a busy month. Today was for Lyndi and she rocked her birthday WOD as RX’d! The progress and results she has made in just a few months have been nothing short of spectacular. 

Complete the following for time:
Row 24 Calories
24 Front Squats (95#/65#)
24 Thrusters (95#/65#)
Row 24 Calories
24 Burpees
24 Jumping Pull-ups
Row 24 Calories
24 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
24 Box Jumps (20″)


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Lyndi Jumping Pull-ups Bday WOD Lyndi KB Swing


Saturday will start a regular weekly 10am class. Post WOD we plan to work on kipping for those interested. 

The nutrition “town hall” (no rioting allowed) will be on Saturday, October 10th at 11am following the 10am WOD. Let us know if you are interested and planning to attend so we can get a count. We plan to start our Paleo Challenge on 10/11.

Fran and Pat in today’s WOD:

Row and Squat Bl and Wh