Deadly Duo

For time:
21-15-9 reps of the following exercises
Deadlifts (225#/135#)
Lots of improvements on deadlifts and banded pull-ups today. We will spend more time in the days to come on practicing the kip with the band.
Jim Deadlift
Monthly dues are due for those who pay on the 1st. Starting next month (October) we are going to introduce a discount for an additional family member (unlimited monthly membership only). More to come.
For those who want track your WOD’s, join beyondthewhiteboard and then search for our gym. You can request to “join” SnoRidge CrossFit and then each day you can post your results from our daily WOD to track your workouts. It has some useful tools in addition to tracking your workouts such as diet logs, max efforts (run/row/lift/bodyweight movements), other affiliate workouts, benchmark tracker, and more.
Posting this pic just because. Deb rocking a handstand (with a little help):
Deb Handstand
Maybe it’s time to do some handstand push-ups!