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Ring Work

Choice of WOD’s!

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes of:

400m Run
15 Supine Ring Rows

* Supine ring rows: Bottom of rings should be at level of box for elevating the feet. No “kip” or saggy hips allowed. Must stay planked through the ring row. Scale either height of box or sclae the height of rings.

Maria Ring Row 1 Arm


AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:

400m Run
7 Muscle-Ups

Derek MU


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The Ring Row is an overlooked exercise. It’s benefits are many: from developing the pull-up and building strength and stability in the upper back, lats, arms, forearms and “core” to teaching an athlete the importance in mastering the ability to move their own bodyweight in a dynamic plane. This exercise is easily scaled to different ability levels and given practice and consistency these can be a great skill/strength work either pre or post WOD to work on getting that dead hang, kipping pull-up, or chest to bar pull-up.

Teri demos the ring row to a partial supine position:

Teri Ring Row - 1 Teri Ring Row - 2

Saturday is Fight Gone Bad 6! Who’s ready?

Fight Gone Bad 6: Have you reached your fundraising goals yet? If you are participating please raise $25 on your fundraising page or be prepared to make a cash or check donation (payable to Sports Grants Foundation FGB-6) at the box and we will collect them all and send them to Sports Grants on behalf of the cause. If you want to hit this WOD then you need to donate. 

  • Go Time: Beginning at 0930 until 1300 (or as late as needed) we will run waves of approximately 10 athletes at a time.
  • If you can come after 1030 then please do so! This may help avoid the “crush” of early arrivals.
  • When you arrive please sign up on the whiteboard then hit the warm-up.
  • Each person will have a coach/judge.
  • We will brief movement standards, scaling levels, and then you will have 17 minutes to push yourself on behalf of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. 
  • We will be outdoors. We will have a WOD area sectioned off and set up to accommodate 10 people per wave. We will get EVERYONE through!
  • Please be patient in the event it’s crowded, we will have things moving fast and will do our best to make it smooth with each wave.
  • Feel free to hang out, cheer, and party rock with your fellow CrossFitters! How can you not be excited for this?!

We will be joined by the studs and studettes of Compound Fitness, CrossFit Belltown, CrossFit Devotion, and Imperial CrossFit. This WOD will also be taking place in Affiliates, gyms and garages worldwide! Don’t miss it!

Tonight was the “coaches run” of Fight Gone Bad to allow the coaches to devote their time tomorrow to coaching and judging you! Michelle, Moe, Rona, Mark, Jeremy, Kim, Jake and I all fought the good “Fight”. We used the same standards, called no-reps, hit PR’s, celebrated with high fives and chest bumps, and had an overall great time (post WOD). Special thanks to David, Rob, Justin, and Andrea who all came by to cheer and help out.

Pre FGB Party Rocking:

Party Rocking

Coaches Row:

Coaches Run

Pukie? Not quite:

FGB Aftermath