10 Rep Max

Skills WOD:

20 Minutes to complete: 

Back Squat

Conditioning WOD:

5 Rounds for time:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Good Mornings (45#/33#)
10 Push Up (With Hand Release)


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Quote of the Day: “Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.” ~ Barry Switzer

Sam_Back Squat Rob_Back Squat

The 10 rep max is one that should be heavier than your 20RM, but almost as challenging. When squatting the ideal depth for full range of motion is where the hip crease passes below parallel or the top of the knee. This is true in an air squat, front squat, back squat, overhead squat, clean and snatch. Both Sam and Rob demonstrate a good high bar back squat above. The bar is high on their traps, chests are up, wrists and neck are neutral and their elbows are tight to hold the bar in place. Knees are out and tracking over the toes, weight is in the heels and their depth is perfect. 

Proof that CrossFit is growing: Worldwide bacon shortage coming on MSN