Choose Your Snatch

Strength WOD:

12 Minutes to work up to a heavy single 
Snatch (Squat)

Conditioning WOD:

For time and load:

800m Run
30 Snatch (Squat) – Choose your load
800m Run


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Middle of 2nd Pull_Rob

Congrats to Kelli for her 100th WOD and to Michelle “Mums” for her 300th! Also congrats to Spencer for being named “Snatch Whisperer” in the AM class by the ladies. So many questions…

Today you got to choose your snatch load. If you are new then the power snatch or from the hang was the alternative. Whether it’s power, full or hang you should always think sweep the bar back, big finish and shrug, elbows high and outside and speed through the middle!

Top of 2nd Pull_Jeremy

Dave Castro explains details of the Hotshot 19 Event, August 31st – video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Hotshots Together, CrossFit Together” – video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]