
Strength WOD:

EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) for 7 minutes complete: 
2 Snatch (Squat)

* Reps can be singles, you have 60 seconds to complete both reps for load

Conditioning WOD:

For time:

1000m Run
100 Push-ups
10 Snatch (Squat) (135#/95#)


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Ash Coaching

Chris S. and Rob S. jokingly coined a new term tonight after watching several missed snatches behind the head. The “snatch-through” looks like a pass through except with a barbell being dropped behind the head on a miss. After 100 push-ups the brain, body and muscles are not primed and ready to fire for a technical pulling lift like the snatch. Catching the barbell becomes a serious challenge as supporting that weight overhead as you tell yourself to dive under the bar is no easy task. I think almost everyone missed the first 1-2 snatches after the push-ups as the brain had to reboot and switch to thinking “pull”.

This is what we mean when say “lock out” and “finish”:

Pushups Triple Extension

Here’s some impressive lifting: Spencer Hendel’s 8 reps snatch at 225 pounds – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

The Burpee Penalty CrossFit Community