Better Than Yesterday

5 Rounds for Time of:

Max Reps Dead Hang Pull-ups
* Rest 2 Minutes between rounds

Checkout WOD:

For Time:
1000m Row
150 Double-Unders 
50 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 


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Debra powering through double-unders:

DU Ready_Deb

Homework for all Squatchers! Good read below from Lisbeth. It’s pretty simple but a very specific message that I think sometimes each of us forget in our rush to be better faster.

CF is hard. Progress is both fast and slow depending on what you are defining
as progress. Expecting to PR every single time you do anything in the gym is
unrealistic. Expecting the WOD’s to suddenly be easy after “x” amount
of time or expecting to learn an advanced skill but neglecting the work on the
small skills that lead to it is unrealistic. Measuring your progress by someone
else’s progress? Totally unrealistic. Don’t fall into that trap. Trust me.
Measuring progress on adding a lb. to a llift? Awesome. How about making a
skill your be-atch or getting through a round or more unbroken in a WOD? Cool.
When you do something that is new, then ring that PR bell and don’t take it for
granted. That’s why it’s hard.

Don’t beat youself up if you fail a lift, miss a time, take longer than
everyone else. Prop yourself up for trying, learning, and pushing. Pat yourself
on the back for practicing, perfecting, and honing the skills to life. Don’t
worry about being better tomorrow. Just be better than yesterday. How can you
be better? Show up and work hard. That’s all you can ask of yourself.

Read: “Truth, Or Lies? | Having Words With Lisbeth” by
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