"Bottom to Bottom Tabata and a Mile"

“Bottom to Bottom” Tabata Squats

Immediately after rising up from the last tabata squat complete:

1 Mile Run for time

* Perform max reps of air squats for 8 consecutive intervals of: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest in the bottom of the squat position.


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Coach Brinkley (left) tells Josh to get in the proper rest position:

Coach Brinkley

From CF.com: “The Tabata “Bottom to Bottom Squat” is a Tabata Squat but each rep begins at the bottom and ends at the bottom. The turn around at the top is immediate – no pause. The ten-second rest for each interval is also held at the bottom of the squat as opposed to the top. Interestingly, this squat, in contrast to the “normal” Tabata squat, motivates full hip extension. Also, the ten second rests don’t seem as short with this protocol!”

Watching the 6pm crew stumble out together for their mile run immediately after the tabata squats was like watching a herd of newborn baby cows.

Big congrats to Derek who not only got his first muscle-up tonight, he got FIVE!!!

WOD Demo with Dave Leys – video [wmv] [mov]

WOD Demo with Paradiso CrossFit by Again Faster Equipment– video [wmv] [mov]


We exploring some schedule changes this fall that would remove the 6am class (due to lack of consistent participation) and add 7pm class times to Monday/Wednesday. This would not impact our Wed. 7pm Mobility WOD as we would move this class upstairs. We are also bringing back CF Kids soon! Stay tuned.

Fight Gone Bad 6 is this Saturday: Have you reached your fundraising goals yet? If you are particiapting please raise $25 on your fundraising page or be prepared to make a cash or check donation (payable to Sports Grants Foundation FGB-6) at the box and we will collect them all and send them to Sports Grants on behalf of the cause. If you want to hit this WOD then you need to donate. It’s that simple.

Beginning at 0930 until 1300 (or as late as needed) we will run waves of approximately 10 athletes at a time. Each person will have a coach. We will brief movement standards, scale, and then you will have 17 minutes to push yourself on behalf of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. We will be joined by the studs and studettes of The Compound, CrossFit Belltown, CrossFit Devotion, and Imperial CrossFit. We will be outdoors. We will have a WOD area sectioned off and set up to accommodate 10 people per wave. It will be awesome. I promise. Now get off the couch and get going on your fund raising page.

No Rep. Chin is not over.

Sean and Brinkley - 1