
3 Rounds for time:

400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
12 Pull-ups

Benchmark Monday:



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Compare to Previous Results: Feb ’10, Sep ’10 

This is Moe’s favorite WOD. After today I would bet it’s several people’s favorite WOD. Why? Because we had 19 total PR’s! (I went and checked the past performances since not all of you knew or wrote it on the whiteboard). That’s insane! Either faster times, heavier KB’s, different bands or RX pull-ups were the norm for almost everyone. This is making me think it’s almost time for “Fran”…

“Needs more Kettlebell”:

Helen_Tandem Swing Helen_Race is On

One other notable performance happened today in the box; Nan paid up on her Apple Cup bet with Jeremy O. The bet was 100 Burpees for the loser of the Apple Cup and Nan cashed out after “Helen”. The cool thing was she ended up with a support crew that served as her “Burpee Peloton” to get her through.


Nan pays up on her bet!