"No Labor" Day

Everyone excitedly running to get to the gym for the WOD:

3-2-1 Go

Short week this week. That said the WOD’s will pack a punch!

One week down on the Whole 30 Challenge! Also Group #2 starts tomorrow (Moe, Jenna, Marc, Laura, Amanda, Bridget, Mark N.). Keep it up!

Next Sunday is the Warrior Dash and 7 of us are representing SnoRidge in Oregon. Click the link to check out the 3.15 mile – 10 obstacle course. How can you not want to run through the hills and woods and stop to rappel down ravines, wade through bogs, navigate a maze, tromp through tires, climb over cargo nets, haul ass over hay bales, jump over junk, dive into darkness, run through fire, and crawl through mud ?! Okay maybe not the dive into darkness part.

Read “10 Ways To Be A Better CrossFitter” by CrossFit Watertown 

These tips are important. Especially rule #5 (another pet peeve rant is about to commence)

Stuff goes back where it started!

There is a bucket that holds the PVC pipes. There is a shelf that holds the med balls (by color on each shelf). The kettlebells are in a neat row by weight and in order. The dumbbells are stacked orderly upon one another almost as if it’s Christmas waiting under the tree. The bars are aligned according to men’s, women’s, and training weight by row. The bumpers are stacked neatly in piles of matching plates. I know it’s a gym but that doesn’t mean we just throw stuff in a corner or leave it out all day for the next class or your coaches to pick up. You just killed yourself in the WOD; but please take the few seconds to do the minimal amount of work required to put stuff back where it started. This includes the Squatch Cave if your little ones have terrorized the toys. That makes it easier for the next group and it also helps the sanity of your two anal retentive owners!