Hanging a Round

For Time: 

21 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)
800m Run
15 Hang Power Snatch 
800m Run
9 Hang Power Snatch 


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Hang A Round

Hang Power Snatches are difficult. They take practice and require speed. To learn them and get better at them you should use a load that isn’t so heavy that it goes from power snatch to muscle snatch to ugly anyway anyhow overhead. After some instruction and practice today, everyone was able to practice with the PVC, then a bar, then add weight to determine the load at which technique broke down and the power snatch went out the window. From there everyone did a great job at dialing it back to maintaining a load that meant “power”.

Speaking of power, a friend sent this short article below along that gives a great perspective on scaling and why it’s fundamentally important to all of us as CrossFitters. 

Read: “Zatsiorsky, Scaling, and Power” by Jon Gilson from Again Faster

Also for those who want to know about simply the coolest game that everyone is playing, read more about how to: Play the Fish Game!

Sherry gets some “run support” while Deb gets extension: 

Run Support Deb_Power

Some of the crew representing at the Fall City Race this past Saturday:

Fall City Racers