Snatch and Grab

For Time:

Alternate the following exercises 10, 9, 8, 7, 6… down to 1 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… up to 10 of:

Hang Power Snatch (75#/55#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)

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Jorge and Zach Hang Pwr Snatch


Nutrition class is this Saturday after the 10am WOD. We will be reviewing basics about Paleo and Zone nutrition, the roles it plays in your performance and progress, how to shop for food, when to eat, what to eat, and other resources for practically incorporating dietary change that lasts. This won’t be a how to on counting calories, playing cards or adding points. We also will be kicking off our Paleo Challenge for those interested. 

Your homework: Starting Wednesday write down everything you eat and drink at each meal and snack on from now through Saturday. Bring it with you!

We are ordering shirts on Friday with our new design. If you want one there’s a sign up sheet on the whiteboard or post to comments what size you want (Men’s/Women’s/Kids). These will be American Apparel Track T’s which are lightweight and geared for your WOD. Women’s are fitted but not as snug as a Bella shirt. Color is a grey shirt with black and white graphics.

Squatchswingmockup copy