Don't Just Stand There Thrust a Move…

Strength WOD:


5 sets attempting a 3 rep max load. Rest as needed between sets. 

Then follow with 10 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:

3 Thruster (95#/65#)
5 AbMat Sit-up
10 Double-Unders


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Good day watching you people get stronger!


Scalability: The beauty of CrossFit lies in not only its results or its intensity, but also that it can be scaled in several domains. Not only can you scale weight, limit the range of motion, or scale the amount of resistance or “help” provided, you can also scale by substituting exercises. When you have an “owie” like Curtis and Jim do (not from the gym), subbing in alternate exercises can provide an effective workout and meet the desired outcome of the workout programming.

Jim Push Presses and Curtis High Bar Back Squats:

Jim Push Press 200# Curtis_Back Squat

Quote of the day: Michelle ~ “Hey guys, anyone need balls?”

Don’t forget! Make sure you are logging your meals and drinks from now until Saturday and bring it with you!