Back Down

Strength WOD:

20 Minutes to find a 3RM:
Back Squat

Conditioning WOD:

15-12-9-6-3 reps of each of the following for time:
Back Squat (115#/75#)

* Alternate Back Squat and Burpees. Must clean or snatch bar from ground.


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Rack It

<Rant Alert>

It’s about that time where the neat freak in me surfaces and I start getting in the mood to enforcing the burpee penalty rules in the gym. If you’re new to the gym please familiarize yourself with the rules on the whiteboard and follow them. One of the rules that lately has been getting ignored is putting things back where they belong and cleaning up. In our gym we are very particular about where things go, not only just to maximize space for you to workout and for us to coach. We also care because we want our equipment to last, want it to stay clean, and want it to be easy for everyone to find when they need something. That means bands go back on the peg board by their color after you attach it to the pull-up cage, weights get stacked numbers up in the correct pile, collars go back in the bucket, jump ropes go on the wall, and trash goes IN THE TRASH. After you workout please take the time to wipe down all of your equipment. This will help us all from getting the Ebola virus in a month or two. The list is actually much longer but you probably get my point.

One other point, even though the wall may have a hole in it from a previous accident, it does not mean we want you to help by making it bigger. Making said drywall hole grow bigger each day because you are too tired to place a 35# bumper on the stack is grounds for some motivational consequences. 

Thanks in advance for the cooperation and please help the new folks out by educating them when you see someone forgetting to put things back. If this post doesn’t help I will start having each class end with singing the “clean up song”.

Jim Mc_Back Squat Chris H_Back Squat


Fixing the Jerk” with Coach Burgener, CrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]