Fight Gone Bad

The dry run. Today was our first official WOD in the new box! As I sit here typing (and Michelle steals my wine) I cannot believe what I just typed. The NEW BOX. Weird, but very cool.

3 Rounds of Max Effort for 1 Minute each of the following exercises:

WallBall (20#/14#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)
Box Jump (20″)
Push Press (75#/55#)
Row (for Cal)

Continuous clock with 1 minute rest between rounds.  Score total reps.


Movement Prep before the WOD:
SRCF: 1st Day at New Box_Fight Gone Bad - 04
It was a great turnout and and even more fun for the gang that went to Zoka for coffee afterwards. We look forward to the re-match with the “Fight” on 9/26 for the fundraiser (link to the right). We want to thank all of you for coming out over your holiday weekend for our first day at the new gym. We especially want to thank everyone for their help this weekend as well as Deb for helping as a scorer.
View this slideshow of the WOD and the new box: