Food for Thought

Intense exercise is only part of the equation. Don’t neglect your nutrition:

Thruster Ladder Prep

The Real Food Pyramid:


Wondering about what is “Paleo”? Here’s a great write up with extensive info, links and answers to the most common questions you may have about the Paleo Diet. Nutrition is the area most people neglect in their approach to improving overall health and fitness. You already put in the time to working out hard, now take the time to read the two links below and then put into practice the results based and proven methods outlined for optimum health. What have you got to lose other than several pounds and tons of inflammation?

What is the Paleo Diet?FitBomb

Better yet do you want to see your abs? The answer isn’t doing a bunch of crunches. It’s your diet. 

Read why grains are the enemy:

“The Definitive Guide to Grains” by Mark’s Daily Apple
