
In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah.

Knowing the reason behind this WOD gives it a whole new light. Here’s to hoping we don’t see any new Hero WOD’s. 

For time:
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards

Running backwards is a bit of quad burner. It also requires some concentration and the slower you go the harder it gets. 

Griff_Pat Griff_Adriana and Vince

 A new group gives “mini-Cindy” a try (that’s a tough 10 minutes):


See you all tomorrow from 10am to 2pm for Fight Gone Bad!