"Happy New Year!"

For Time:

31 Hang Power Cleans (75#/55#) 
31 AbMat Sit-ups 
31 Push-ups (Hands Release from Floor)
31 Push Press (75#/55#)
31 whY not do Box Jumps (24″/20″)
31 Now Back Squat (75#/55#)
31 Everyone do Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53#/35#)
31 Walking Lunge Steps
31 whY not do Box Jumps (24″/20″)
31 Everyone do Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
31 Air Squats
310m Row


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Nadia smiling mid-WOD (right AFTER sticking her tongue out at me. The nerve!):

Nadia Mid-WOD Smile

Pics from today:

Snowy Row and Walk

Hand Release Push-ups

Andrea Jumps and Coaches Squat

Be safe and be responsible this New Year’s Eve! If you party, don’t completely lose your head and go drinking and driving. Feel free to drink and do burpees however…

Your coaches will be ringing in the New Year with an early-evening WOD and sending 2010 out with a 3-2-1 Go!


We will be putting out details around our “Stop the Slop Challenge” for January prior to Monday. This will include a nutrition challenge AND a form challenge for consistent “No Slop = Perfect” reps. Stay tuned!

Also Todd Widman will be giving a nutrition lecture at Imperial CrossFit on January 25th at 5:30pm that is open for all to attend. Please RSVP on the blog to us so we can give Allen a headcount. Expect a minimal cost (TBD). If you care about nutrition and the role it plays in your life and performance, then we strongly encourage that you take the time to go.