Happy Thanksgiving!

Gym Dog

Enjoy this day and give thanks for everything positive in your lives. Hug a loved one, your family pet, and each other.

What are we thankful for?

Michelle and I are thankful that you choose to be a part of our gym and train here. We are thankful to all of our coaches for their personal sacrifice, passion and devotion to all of us simply for the joy of training others and helping them get fitter. We are thankful that you as athletes, friends, clients and fellow CrossFitters show up day after day to make yourselves and each other better and for all of the little squatchers who watch and learn and want to be like their parents. We are thankful for the strong community that has been built in this box that won’t hesitate to cheer one another on or tell you to get up, push harder and work for it but at the end still give you a high five.

Having the opportunity to work together and own our own business that is based on sharing our passion for CrossFit to anyone willing to walk in the door is amazing and gratifying. Most importantly we are thankful for another year as a gym surviving, growing, helping and impacting so many lives. Thank YOU.

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat clean (or not) but eat well, rest up and get ready for an ass kicking on Friday.
