
8 Rounds for time:

100m Hill Sprints (rest on return to starting line)

Then For Time:
100 Pull-ups


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Hill-acious Sprints:

Hill Sprints

Recovery Walk

According to Urban Dictionary “Hellacious” is defined as: “an adjective used to describe something horribly bad. Or extremely bad, unpleasant, horrible. Or to emphasize intensity of something.”

My favorite though? “Something so wickedly awesome that you can’t think of any other word to say but hellacious.” I would describe sprinting up the hill as hill-acious. Wickedly awesome yet horribly bad at the same time. Perfect for a WOD. We will have to mix it up with a sandbag sometime. That sounds hellacious too.

Coaching Tip: Butterfly pull-ups are a circular motion pull-up that requires a faster cycle time, harder pull, and immense coordination when compared to the normal dead-hang pull up or even the basic kipping pull-up. Note that the legs are already behind the body when the arms are extended as you “fall” or slide past the bar. As you hit the bottom of the hang the feet fire forward while simultaneously pulling up into the circular motion on the bar. This means a faster (yet tougher) pull-up. The faster the cycle time the greater the power output.

Watching Mark B. do Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups makes me wonder how fast he could do 100 chin-to-bar pull-ups. Amazing!

Butterfly CTB Pull-up_Mark B - 1 Butterfly CTB Pull-up_Mark B - 2 Butterfly CTB Pull-up_Mark B - 3 Butterfly CTB Pull-up_Mark B - 4