Learning to Climb

Quote of the Day: “Identifying and overcoming natural fear is one of the pleasing struggles intrinsic to climbing.” ~ Alex Lowe

5 Rounds for time:

20 Double-Unders
10 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
1 Rope Climb (15′) 

Scaling Rope Climbs: 

  • 10′ Climb for first timers (must demo leg lock)
  • 2 Supine Row Pull-ups from Floor to Standing to Floor = 1 Rope Climb 
  • 6 Dead Hang Pull-ups  


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People Getting their Climb on!

Matt Climbs Josh Climbs Rona Climbs

Michelle Instructing Rope Climbs and Foot Locks:

Rope Climb Instruction

Foot Lock in action:

Foot Lock_Eric Foot Lock_Josh Foot Lock_Erin

Who liked rope climbs? For some it was the first time you climbed a rope since you were a kid. For others it was easy as if you were born in the trees or related to Tarzan. Either way climbing is an essential functional physical skill that everyone should be able to do. Much as lifting something heavy off the ground, carrying something or someone, lifting weight overhead, moving fast and climbing or pulling yourself up to a higher point; it’s conceivable and likely that those skills will be useful or required at some point in your life. It could be a fun WOD or a potential life saving situation that may require you to climb or pull so practice that foot lock and build on the strength to master the rope climb. Oh and when you get your first one, feel free to yell like Tarzan!