Max Effort Day and Food for Thought

Big day today. Max Effort Day and our Nutrition Chat!

Max Effort Day:

Row 500m Max Effort
Run 400m Max Effort
Pull-ups Max Reps (1 Min.)
Front Squats (95#/65#) Max Reps (1 Min.)
Double-Unders Max Reps (1 Min.)
Push-ups Max Reps (1 Min.)
*Rest 1 Min. between max effort exercises

Then perform:
Max Height Box Jump (Scale up to hit max height)

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Amanda and Bonnie Maximum Elevation

The max effort WOD served as a measuring stick for many of you who have moved to full push-ups or banded pull-ups or from singles to doubles with the rope. Front squat form and wrist / elbow flexibility as well as rowing is getting better and the box jump challenge was fun to watch as it built teamwork and confidence and explosive power.

Afterwards we hopefully were able to share some useful info about the Paleolithic Diet and how and why it can be beneficial to you in both your training and general health. Nutrition is a loaded topic and there are many theories out there on what is good and what isn’t. (For some good articles and background on many of the topics we talked about check out We believe in the benefits of the Paleo diet simply because it not only makes sense and worked incredibly well for us, but it has worked for so many others as well. Try it if you like, or look into the Zone. If you are going to try it then jump into our Paleo Challenge which will officially start on Monday with your weigh in, before picture, and buy-in. The worst thing that can happen from trying it is you eat healthier and cut some of the crap. 

Either way remember that you truly are what you eat.

10 Tips When Eating Paleo: