Memorial Day Weekend Schedule

CLOSED on Friday and Saturday (5/25 and 5/26) for Regionals. NO Classes! Spread the word!

Monday (5/28) Only the following class times by sign-up only (10:30am, 11:30am, 12:15pm and 1pm)

  • We will run a special Memorial Day Murph workout
  • Official sign-up for the WOD is on the whiteboard in the gym
  • 10:30am class and 11:30am are FULL
  • 12:15pm (2 spots open) and 1pm (4 spots open)
  • If you do not sign up do not expect to get to go by just showing up. If you didn’t sign up and show up please come to the 12:15pm and 1pm. If it is full we will start you as soon as possible. 
  • CF Teens (1/2 Murph) and their parents will have their own shot at 9:30am