No More Pull-ups!

10 Rounds for time:

10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees


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Curtis and Nan demonstrating the two components of “Burpee Hell”:

Got Pullups?_Curtis Nan_Burpees

Today was our first cross-gym CrossFit affiliate challenge brought to you courtesy of Outer Edge CrossFit. They are to blame for the pull-ups and burpees that hit us in the middle of our burpee challenge and only two days after “Chelsea” had us swearing off pull-ups forever. Whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right?

A total of 6 boxes agreed to rotate picking a WOD for all to do each month on the last Wednesday of the last week starting today. We will tally up the total time for our gym and divide by all who completed it today to determine the average WOD time for SRCF. Once we have a final result for the top gym I’ll let everyone know. Next month another gym will get to pick so we will have our turn. Great turnout today and way to represent! This one crushed the chest (I am still coughing) and made your legs feel like lead and your arms feel like rubber. Can’t wait until next month! 

Don demonstrating the common post-“Burpee Hell” position:

Don_Post WOD


Today is Day 36 of the Burpee Challenge! We are under two weeks to go. Stick with it. 

New Year’s Eve WOD schedule: 

  • 9am Affiliate Team Pull-up Training: Kidding! No Pull-ups!
  • 10am class roster: Bridget, Mark, Steph, Nan, Rona, Maria, Sangeeta
  • 11am class: Open to all

New Year’s Day: The gym is closed. For those interested Jeremy and Pat have invited all to come run with them along the golf course. Let them know tomorrow. We can ask them to accommodate a shorter route for those interested.

For those with kids: Snow Tubing at the Summit at Snoqualmie on Friday night, New Year’s Day. Pat and Jeremy are taking their kids to the 6pm – 9pm tubing session as it beats the crowds (he has experience with this so trust him). If interested get your tix and let us know! We are planning to join them.