
Main Class:

Teams of 2 complete for time:

400m Run (both partners run)
50 Pull-ups
40 Front Squats (95#/65#)
50 Overhead Walking Lunge With Plates (25#/15#)
40 Hang Power Cleans (95#/65#)
200 Double Unders (Each partner does 100 simultaneously)
50 Shoulder-to-Overheads (95#/65#)
40 Toes-to-bars
50 Deadlifts (165#/105#)
40 Burpees

* One bar per team

** Alternate work on all movements, splitting reps with partner as you see fit except DU (both DU at the same time)

Advanced RX Class:

Strength WOD:

Complete the following Complex EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) for 7 minutes:
1 Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Jerk

* Change load as time permits or use same across


3 Rounds for time:

5 Front Squat (165#/105#)
18 Pull-ups
5 Deadlift (225#/155#)
18 Toes-to-Bar
5 Push Jerk (165#/105#)
18 Hand Release Push-ups


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Team WOD

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Philip P. Clark, 19, of Gainesville, Florida, assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, died on May 18, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife, Ashton, father Mike and stepmother Tammy, mother Rosmari Kruger, and brothers Tyler, Kyle and Ryan Nordyke. ~ from CrossFit.com

On July 6, 2005, the first Hero workoutJT” was created and posted on CrossFit.com in honor of Navy Seal Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, who was killed in Afghanistan in June, 2005.

This is a Hero WOD that is well programmed. Very tough but not impossible for most (scaled or not). The main reason this wasn’t programmed for the main class is due to bar/cage logistics.

Note: For those in the advanced class, use it or lose it. If you have tested in, then you should be coming to this class slot. If you are wanting to test in via the Advanced RX Test, then let me know. If you are wondering if you are ready to test, then you probably aren’t.

The team WOD was one that I modified from something Michelle and I completed as a team at CrossFit Centurion last weekend. That one was heavier and added hand release push-ups but slightly lower reps. This version I felt moved faster and had a rep scheme and bar load that was easier to manage, which allowed for less rest by each teammate.

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