Pulled Apart

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 Minutes of: 
200m Run
12 Pull-ups
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95#/65#)


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M Pulls:

M Sumos 

The sumo-deadlift high pull ideally develops powerful hip extension and strong shoulders and arms while training a proper deadlift body position (with wider stance) and balance and coordination. Focus on those cues to ensure proper execution and remember to extend those hips, immediately pull to under your chin, and finish with high elbows.

Good elbows Fran!



“You can’t fish oil your way out of a bad diet.” ~ Melissa Urban, Whole9

That said, here’s the Whole9 and Robb Wolf Fish Oil Calculator to determine how many you need to augment your nutrition and your health.

Here’s a link to the Whole9 blog post covering our workshop last week.

The Compound Crew and SRCF Trainer’s WOD today:

Trainer's WOD