Ring and Run

4 Rounds for Time:  
Run 400m
30 Air Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
10 Ring Push-Ups


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Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” -Plato

Zach reps out squats:

Zach Squats

A family that sweats together stays together. Justin introduces his Dad to “Cindy” and CrossFit:

Fran and John_Family Fun Justin Kipping

Tonight Curtis and I were able to attend the nutrition chat at Rainier CrossFit presented by Todd Widman. It was packed with great information and done in an extremely organized and well thought out manner. Tomorrow’s post will focus more on the takeaways that I want to pass on. In the meantime consider this, what you put in your mouth is your conscious decision. Whatever your goals, choose to fuel it properly. Stay consistent, ask questions or ask for help, cheat occasionally. 

For those wondering about our ongoing Paleo challenge, Bonnie reported 25 lbs. lost since starting CrossFit 9/2 and then implementing Paleo a month and a half ago. Marc has lost 21 lbs. and Laura 10 lbs. plus. Curtis has buttoned things down and lost over 5 lbs. in the last couple weeks. Jim has lost 10 lbs. in three weeks. All of them have not only eaten better, they have consistently hit the gym and the workout of the day.