Rowing Standards

Team WOD for time of:

Partner one Row 500 meters and partner 2 starts the following stations: 
20 Handstand Push-ups 
20 Box Jumps (30″/24″ – Games Standard “Open Hips on Top)
20 Pull-ups
20 Wallballs (20#/14)
20 Knees to Elbows

Partner 1 Row 500 meters, partner 2 start HSPU’s. Stop when 20 HSPU’s and 500 meters done, switch stations. Partner 2 Row 500 meters again, partner 2 start HSPU’s. Stop when 20 HSPU’s and 500 meters done, switch stations. Partner 1 row 500 meters, partner 2 start Box Jumps….. Etc.


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One hits “Menu – Back- Just Row” while the other tackles Box Jumps:

Menu Back Just Row Jason_Box Jumps

Rowing Instructor Anna C. warms up for the WOD:

Anna Cummins_Row WOD

Today started with a team WOD that alternated turns on a the torture device known as the rower or “erg” and multiple bodyweight exercises. Immediately after we were lucky to have Anna Cummins provide a clinic on how to row with proper position, technique, form, and rowing strategy for workouts. Her background is quite impressive as she not only is a CrossFitter (from CF Bellevue) and CrossFit/Concept 2 Master Rower, but also a Gold and Silver Olympic Medal Rower. She spent over an hour with 22 of us demonstrating, drilling, and coaching our group out of our bad habits and turned us into “mini master rowers” that are slightly armed and dangerous now for our next rowing WOD. 

Michelle, Rona, Mark and I also learned a lot of good info and valuable cues that will help translate to becoming better coaches for teaching our box. Thanks to all who turned out and more importantly thank you to Anna for the first class clinic! Next summer we will have to take it out on the water.

Rowing Clinic

Stroke Practice