Scale It

5 Rounds for time:

Run 400m
21 Deadlifts (185#/135#)
* Scale to 60% of your 1RM


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Michelle Squared. Today was apparently Twins Day:

Coach Michelle Michelle_Mums

I loved the whiteboard today. Looking at the results really made me feel good as a coach. Not because only 3 people RX’d it. It was exactly the opposite. This WOD had a large number of deadlifts. The coaching given was to scale if you had a 1RM deadlift under a certain load. The emphasis was on being able to use excellent deadlift technique and focus on sets being unbroken or sets of larger reps and getting back to the run to manage it within or near the “Goal Time” range. Everyone reviewed the deadlift, listened and really scaled appropriately. While some could have lifted that weight for that many reps; it would have been broken up for too many sets, increased the risk of injury and missed the training goal. That is the sign of an awesome gym. Ego’s were checked and everyone got down to training. 


Congrats to Hailly for hitting her 1 year SRCF Anniversary!

On Saturday from 11am to 1pm Team Squatch is competing in the Box League NW at CF Gravity Jane’s in Issaquah. If you can make it then go cheer on Rob, Josh, Spencer, Lucy, Meghann and Debra for 3 fun team WOD’s. This is the first “test” event for the monthly league that will run later this summer between several local CF gyms. If there is enough interest we will have multiple teams.

Monday we will announce the winners of the “Stop the Slop” Weight, Performance, and Essay Challenges.

Read: We All Suck by