Snatch then Squat not Squat Snatch

3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch (each arm) (40#/25#)
50 Squats


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DB Power Snatch_Michelle DB Power Snatch_Rona

Coach Rona got her first muscle-up today! That’s both her and Meghann in the same week.  Our first two women to get muscle-ups ever in the box!

Rona and Meghann have done something this past week that is a hey-uge milestone. And I missed it both times. FML… I know they are both stoked and proud but I honestly am probably more so than either of them. I may not have run jumping into Rona’s arms for a chest bump (like she did tonight after getting it as I walked into the box) but after all the time watching the hard work, practice and determination it’s an exciting payoff to see them both get it.

Every PR is important. Some get more attention than others, but something like a muscle-up honestly deserves that attention. Rona finally did it; her fellow coaches, husband and all of her SRCF friends just tried different ways to explain it, motivate, or encourage. In the end though it came down to Rona’s efforts and belief that she WOULD do it. And she DID. Bam! The journey continues.

Now ring that damn PR Bell. 


SRCF Movember T-shirts. Because every man deserves a little luxury.


For use liberally every year during the stache-tastic month of November. Front will say “Du hast mustache?” and the back will have the “SnoRidge CrossFit Movember” logo.

  • Men: Order yours now if you want one. Order goes in this Thursday evening
  • RULES: You must have a stache and participated in Movember!
  • Cost: $20 each
  • Shirts are American Apparel 50/50 in this weather heather/olive color with black ink.