
Strength WOD Pt. 1:

1RM (1 Rep Max)

* Focus on 1RM full snatch today, but allow enough time after reaching max complete 3×3 of snatch pull at prescribed %. 

Pt. 2 Barbell work:

Snatch Pull : 3 @ 100% of 1RM, 3 @ 105%, 3 @ 110%


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Tuesday was focused only on Oly work. After finding a 1RM then you use that load to calculate and perform three sets of snatch pulls. Pulls are designed to work on the 1st (floor to knee) and 2nd (Over knees to full extension with elbows high and outside) pulls of the bar without continuing into the 3rd pull under the bar. Do these as an auxillary movement that builds strength and technique above maximal loads through the two phases of the lift that typically make or break the lift.