Story of Awesomeness

Yesterday’s WOD and results will be posted later today but first I wanted to share this story of awesomeness from Cristin that we received recently (with her permission). The transformation we have been lucky to witness and be a part of has been nothing short of epic.

Thank you for sharing your story with all of us:

Cristin_Walking Lunge

Hey Tom and Michelle,

I have been keeping a “journal” of my weight loss and CrossFit journey from this last year. Today I kind of reflected on my 100th WOD and wanted to share it with you. You have both done so much for me and had such a huge impact on who I have become. Your box, the amazing coaching, and the environment that you guys strive to provide for your athletes, has completely changed every aspect of my life and I will forever be grateful. I am not kidding when I say that SnoRidge is seriously the best box out there and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. Thank you for helping me become the person that I have always wanted to be.


100th WOD of Awesomeness…by Cristin L.

Yesterday was my 100th WOD! It may not seem like that big of a deal, but for me it was huge! I remember that I used to go to Cody’s gym (Cristin’s brother) and watch people workout. I desperately wanted to workout too. My weight was never what kept me from participating. It was fear. I was afraid of what others would think. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to finish. I was afraid that I would feel like even more of a failure.  I can now finally say that I am no longer a spectator. I am a participant.

100 WOD’s ago, I was 56 pounds heavier. I couldn’t run a 400 without walking and I was full of fear that I was going to fail and be defeated. I lacked any self-confidence and I was embarrassed of who I was. Fast forward 100 WODs…I can now run every 400 without walking at all. I am so excited every time that I walk into the box because I know that as long as I give it my very best, there’s no way that I can fail. But even better, I finally like who I am and have found the self-confidence that I have always lacked. The shame and embarrassment is gone. 

CrossFit has made me stronger, leaner and faster. But more importantly, it has given me more happiness, self-confidence, ambition, and determination than I have ever had in my life. It has surrounded me with an awesome group of people who inspire me, celebrate my wins with me, and always encourage me to be a better person. CrossFit has taught me that I can do anything that I put my mind to. All I need to do is make a goal and be determined to crush it. I finally feel awesome…

CrossFit is so much more than just a workout. It’s a community, it’s a support system…it’s a family. SnoRidge is hands down my most favorite place on earth. I would much rather be there than anywhere else. It has completely changed every area of my life. I can honestly say that I am finally the person that I never thought I was good enough to be.

I can’t wait for the next 100 WOD’s…”

Keep it up Cristin! We can’t wait either!

Cristin KB Swing

Story time:

Story Time