Sumo Style

For Time: 
400m Run
21/18/15/12/9/6/3 of the following:
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP: 53#/35#)
Knees to Elbows (K2E)

400m Run 


View this photo 

True Sumo Style:

Sumo Day

Sumo Night

Pat demonstrating a true to form, 100%, no doubt Knees-to-Elbows rep:

No Doubt K2E

Great Fran video from the main site showing the drastic “before and after” difference CrossFit made in one person at Motor City CrossFit. Note when watching this that a sub 6 minute Fran time for a male as RX’d is pretty darn outstanding. 

[mov] [wmv]


Some administrative stuff today. Friday we will have a 6pm WOD to make up for not being open Saturday as we will be at CrossFit 101 with Coach Glassman at CF Bellevue. 

Shirt re-order hasn’t gone in yet so you have a little time left if you want one. 

Nutrition help! We have two announcements that may be of interest.

  1. For anyone struggling with meeting weight or diet goals we are here to help you. Write down what you eat and drink (everything) for an entire week (all 7 days). Also write down your activity level and hours of sleep per night. Then bring it in. We’ll go over it and give you feedback.
  2. Want to get more info around either Zone or Paleo diets? Rainier CrossFit is offering a nutrition discussion on Tuesday next week at 7pm for $10. It will feature Todd Widman (from CrossFit HQ and the CF Journal “Boz and Todd Show”) and will focus on the role nutrition plays on performance. Let us know if you are wanting to go as I will be heading down to Puyallup and Michelle will run the 7pm class.


Are you interested in the Games in 2010? Here’s the deal. It is my most sincere hope that we can put together a SRCF Team of Squatches to travel and compete in the Affiliate Cup in July. What are the events? How many to a team? What’s the date? Are there qualifiers? Is there an entry fee? Will the field be capped to a certain number of teams? Don’t know to all of the above. 

I do know this (if the last two years are an indication):

  1. Teams will be co-ed and require both male and female (I want to field 3 men and 3 women)
  2. We will have try-outs for those interested (that includes Michelle and I, we are competing for the team). 
  3. Training will be HARD. It will be constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements over BROAD time and modal domains. (i.e. CrossFit). We will have “practice” together.
  4. The plan is that anyone making the team must be comfortably able to be RX’d in as many movements, loads and lifts as possible. This means everything from pull-ups, handstand push-ups, overhead squats, ring work to double-unders, running, deadlifts, med balls, etc. 
  5. The Games will be at least a 2-4 day affair if you stay and watch the individual competition.
  6. It will be FUN! We have time to get there but it requires planning, training and consistency which starts now! If you are interested talk to one of us. Details to come…