Swing My Bell

With a continuously running clock perform 2 kettlebell swings (53#/35#) the first minute, 4 kettlebell swings the second minute, 6 kettlebell swings the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 2 swings each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and partial reps in the last round completed. 


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Steph leading the gang in some KB Swings:

Swing My Bell_Steph and Pat

I guess it’s time to take advantage of Mom enjoying a night out with the SnoRidge Ladies and my little one fast asleep after having a monster coconut bliss sundae for dessert. So what do I do? Yep, I watch CrossFit videos, read the CrossFit Journal, program WOD’s and write the blog. How exciting is that? 

Today was meant to mix it up a bit as we haven’t done KB swings in a little while and I wanted to make it a task dependent WOD. I love the every minute on the minute format. It always starts easy and prolongs the mental battle that is sure to come in a hurry. These types of WOD’s test your mind as much as they test your body. When will you succumb to the pain and let the clock tell you enough is enough and that you don’t really need to try to get that next round completed? When you finally barely complete that next to last round how many partial reps are you willing to try to get in that final 60 seconds? 


Saturday WOD Schedule:

10am so far is Curtis, Jeff, Mark N., Don. Post to comments if you plan to be there, next 6 people will fill that slot up. 

11am is open so post to comments or show up.

Interesting reading: The Paleo Diet Report on LivingPaleo.com is a free PDF download with explanation from the author on Paleo eating, lifestyle and it’s benefits.