Tabata These

Perform 8 intervals of  20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for each exercise. Rest 1 minute between exercises:

Wall Balls (20#/14#)
AbMat sit-ups


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RX’d push-up demonstrated by Pat and Moe (full depth range of motion):

Pat_Push-up lockout

Push-up as Rx'd by Moe

Gym is closed tomorrow! 

We will be attending the CF 101 seminar (the founder and creator of CrossFit) Coach Glassman at CF Bellevue.


Thanksgiving hours: We will adjust our schedule for Thanksgiving Day and have only one class at 10am for anyone wanting to feel less guilty about the inevitable gorging at dinner! THe rest of the day will be closed. Other class times that week will be as usual.

Future events: 

We are going to have a “Bad Christmas Sweater” WOD on Saturday 12/19 as well as a “Paleo potluck” post workout. Everyone wear the worst Christmas sweater you can find. We will all vote on the winner who will get a surprise. (It’s not burpees!) Also bring a dish that is paleo-friendly (gluten free is a bonus since we have some who follow that dietary lifestyle) to share with everyone.

Other ideas for events we would like to host: 

  1. CrossFit Movie Day. No workout, just good times watching the CrossFit movie “Every Second Counts” (which is about the 2008 Games) and having some drinks. We definitely will have a 2009 CF Games movie night as soon as that is released (hopefully soon).
  2. Skills Day: One Saturday morning class will be devoted to developing and coaching some of the more advanced movements. Rather than a typical WOD we will cycle through learning and practicing things like kipping, handstands, rings, and other skills.
  3. “Pick Your Poison”: Similar to the Veterans Day where you chose a Hero WOD, this will be a workout where you get to pick your benchmark from a few options.
  4. CrossFit Total: This will require getting another rack but the plan is (post Holidays) to have a day devoted to establishing your Total. The Total is 3 attempts at your 1 rep max (1RM) for each of the following lifts: Press, Deadlift, Back Squat. There are rules and guidelines around this. The CF Total is a good strength indicator of the basic barbell lifts.
  5. Trail Run WOD: This will be a WOD (weather cooperating) that would be an optional class on a weekend. It would consist of some type of barbell movement followed by a distance trail for time.
  6. Another local 5k/10k/Kids race TBD. (Cinco De Mayo 1/2 in Snoqualmie is on the radar)
  7. A follow-up Nutrition Challenge after the New Year.
  8. WOD with another affiliate where we welcome their athletes in our box and they would return the favor. (CF Redmond and I talked about this the other day).
  9. Overhead Squat Challenge with Curtis and Travis. First one to properly perform an overhead squat wins! (just kidding…)

Any thoughts or ideas post to comments!