"What's a thruster?"

Strength WOD:



Then complete the following:    

3 Rounds of: 

1 Minute max reps Thruster (75#/55#)
1 Minute max reps Double-under
1 Minute Rest


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Weighing the options:

Neil Thurster 1RM

Bruce Thrusters Jim Rack Position

Gotta love strength days! Everyone lifted heavy and safely today. There were amazing one rep max efforts all around and everyone encouraged, pushed and cheered one another on. We all advanced either through a heavier PR, more range of motion or both. 

The question “What’s a thruster” seems to come up every time it is in a WOD. After today I think we made sure that not one of you will ask “what’s a thruster” again!

BTW, anyone’s hamstrings sore from yesterday?


New shirts are in. If you pre-ordered one pick it up in the gym, those to be mailed will go out on the Pony Express tomorrow.

Squatch Swing T's