2k Row

Strength WOD:

Every Minute On the Minute for 10 Minutes (EMOM) complete:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean (Squat) + 1 Front Squat

* Choose Load

Conditioning WOD:

For time:

2000m Row


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Rowing Carnage:

2k Aftermath

2 Numbers That Will Make You A Better Rower breakingmuscle.com

CrossFit Day with the Oakland A’s – [video]

Read this article (below link) tonight and it reaffirms a belief we have always had. That the gym should be clean. Things should be put back where they belong. Take care of the space and equipment. We are pretty obsessive-compulsive about keeping the gym clean and orderly.

Why? Because it’s ours. Yours too. It’s where we all work out together. If it’s nasty or something is broken it impacts all of us. I love that everyone is pretty good about putting things away, wiping things down, and generally helping clean up (not including Frank ruining chalk balls and Luanne leaving her stuff out of her “Hermione Handbag“). Thank you for taking pride in our gym, it shows!

Would You Work Out at a Dirty Gym? www.wordswithlisbeth.com