A Week of Teamwork: "Team AMRAP Nancy-Style"

As a team of 2 complete Max Reps (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:

Max Reps of Overhead Squat (95#/65#)
400m Run

* Alternate exercises: Team member 1 starts with the OHS. Team member 2 starts the run. Swap after each run is complete. Post total reps completed as a team.


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Quote of the Day: “Affiliates make people better.” ~ Greg Glassman

One of these kids is doing their own thing…

Maria_One Arm DB OHS Debra_OHS

David_OHS Lorraine_OHS

Maria demonstrates the one arm dumbbell overhead squat with great form. This shows how easy it is to scale CrossFit and that we will work around any injury or limitation. We are glad she’s back in the box after a hand injury sidelined her.


Welcome Lincoln, Leslie, Chris, Ann and Joe who completed or wrap up Elements this week!

ATTENTION RUNNERS (and CrossFitters): The 10 Best Mobility Exercises for Runners: Competitor Online with CrossFit Movement and Mobility expert and MobilityWOD.com guru Kelly Starrett

Read and watch the videos and DO these mobility exercises. Then come to Coach Rona’s MWOD class Wednesday’s at 7pm.

CrossFit Games Coming To ESPN2 starting Wednesday, September 14th at 8:00pm EST – video [wmv] [mov]

I started CrossFit back in 2007 when the first Games were more like a Throwdown and we didn’t pay that much attention to some guy nicknamed OPT and a gal named Jolie Gentry who won. The Games were held on a ranch in Aromas owned by CFHQ Director of Programming Dave Castro’s family. The following year in 2008 I was glued to the computer refreshing an excel spreadsheet to see if either Josh Everett or Chris Spealler were going to win. I was shocked when some nobody named Jason Khalipa won the men’s competiton. I counted the days to a movie called ‘Every Second Counts’ made about the Games and was in the audience at the Affiliate Gathering in Austin for the premiere that was one of the coolest movies I had ever seen.That led to Michelle and I starting our annual epication (epic vacation) to the Games each and every summer for 2009, 2010, and 2011.