Great Basin Qualifier WOD

5 Rounds for Time:

7 Deadlift (275#/185#)
30 Squats
7 Handstand Push-ups

* From the 2009 Great Basin Regional Qualifiers


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Moe Pike HSPU Travis DL

I was asked today where I had found this WOD and could only remember that we have run this before so I went digging back in time. I found a couple things interesting. One is that we were scaling to a box with the pike handstand push-up a year ago but now we are ensuring the head and arm motion tracks even more in the range best suited to develop shoulder and tricep strength. A few people have learned to do HSPU (both strict and kipping) since then.

The same lesson as a year ago still applies:

“We find this scaling works well for getting people strong enough to progress towards inverted HSPU’s on the wall. Simply doing a handstand and then putting several AbMats under head limits the range of motion and avoids the toughest part of the HSPU; the point at which the arms are fully bent and the head is touching the floor (or one AbMat). If you cannot press out of that position you need to work on developing your press strength with either the box or a barbell.

In conjunction with developing the press and HSPU, don’t forget to practice the handstand! Do static holds, get upside down and learn to get in the “hollow” position.”

The second thing I found interesting is that we had a visitor drop in for the first time to the box from the east coast back then (Kristen) who was also just here this past weekend. 

Coach Coordination:



Mobility Class tonight was a good one. Don’t forget every Wednesday this summer at 7pm you can get your stretch on with Rona! Ask for details.

Mobility WOD Instruction

Read: “The Women of the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games

Nutrition: This Paleo “e-cookbook” of 370 plus recipes looks pretty darn good! Note that it’s downloadable only as a PDF file including the bonuses to be viewed electronically and not delivered as a physical copy.


Paleo Recipe Book