"CrossFit Games Open 11.6"

CrossFit Games Open 11.6

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
3 Thrusters (100#/65#)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
6 Thrusters
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
9 Thrusters 
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
12 pound Thrusters 
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
15 Thrusters
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
18 Thrusters 
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
21 Thrusters 
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc. Stop at 7 minutes.


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Tackling Open WOD 11.6:

Open WOD 11

We are excited to announce the conclusion and the results of the 2011 CrossFit Games Open. After 7 weeks and 6 WOD’s of punishing and challenging nature, in which over twenty-five thousand people started the Open, we are down to the Top 60 men and 60 women in each Region along with the Top 20 men and 20 women in each Master’s category. As the weeks have worn on and the numbers have dwindled lower with each passing workout, our athletes (and those fellow CF’ers and friends who have come up week after week to be validated for their Open performance) have competed with their best effort, all their heart, and all their passion. 

15 of us at SRCF competed. Of those 15 we have two who have advanced! Congrats to Pat and Mark who both move on! Pat goes to the CF Games after finishing 10th in the 45-49 Masters Division and Mark qualifies for Regionals after he finished 55th in the Northwest Region. Pat will go straight to the CF Games from July 29-31 in Los Angeles and compete at the Home Depot Center against the other 19 men in his division. Mark will go the the Northwest Regionals from June 10-12 at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. Both spots are huge accomplishments and a testament to their training, efforts, and desire for pushing to be better CrossFit athletes. It is awesome to have them represent our box and pretty epic that we have one in Regionals and one in the Games. We are truly proud to be able to go watch both of them compete and will be there cheering and pushing them on through each and every rep!

A word on the Open:

I had three main goals for our box at the beginning of the Open. 

  1. Host the Open in our box with an atmosphere of fun, intensity, integrity, and quality.
  2. Push our participation to the highest it could be both through registered athletes and through programming the WOD on a weekly basis for all to get the chance to experience the WOD’s, thus enhancing our community in our box.
  3. Advance one or more athletes to Regionals, one to the Masters, and qualify a team for Regionals.

I can proudly say we achieved 2 and 2/3 of those goals! While not having a team advance (our team finished 33rd), we hit all the other goals and that is something that is a testament to everyone from all of our Coaches, SnoRidge CrossFitters and the competitors themselves. Every week it was amazing to see the support for everyone that our box showed. People came and cheered, volunteered, counted, judged, and more. We judged each other strictly and within the established rules. No deviations. Everyone who competed was legit and there was no “grey area”. Every competitor set some sort of PR with each WOD. Everyone grew in some way. The number of inspiring moments are too many to list. We had a large participation and turnout each week. Several already commented they want to compete next year. The elite community of our box was strengthened simply through having these Open WOD’s become “mini-events”. 

Many of us likely are more hungry now for next year and have goals set for what they want to work on and improve. I certainly do, both for me personally and for our box. That makes the whole CF Games Open more than worth it. For some of its many flaws in website, standards, video requirements, rankings, and more; it truly did achieve what CFHQ set out to do. It was a worldwide inclusive event that was the largest fitness contest yet. It was open to all who wanted to compete and found the very top CF athletes across the world. Last but not least it built the community. The CF Games Open has been challenging, fun, filled with adversity, and is a trial by fire that you just don’t get in most other things we do in day to day life. So for those who are considering it next year? Get to training now. Take your nutrition serious. Make goals. Start working the things you suck at. Be it flexibility, running, barbell technique, basic gymnastic movements, whatever they are start taking the time to make a plan and get better at them. Work hard at them. Be patient, be diligent and be consistent. My training for next year’s Open starts tomorrow. Who’s with me?

Pat going unbroken on thrusters in WOD 11.6:

Pat 11

Mark flying through the Toes-to-Bar in 11.5:
