"4 by 4 (Hundred)"

4 Individually Timed Runs:

400m Run
Each run is a max effort. Rest 3 minutes between rounds.


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  Max Effort with Meeno:

Meeno Max Effort Run

I love this dog. “Nuff said. (Although he did steal my shirt during the WOD the other day)

 Professor aims to dispel diet mythsFood Navigator

Ancient ‘Paleo’ Diet Key to Living Healthy and Weight Loss, Some Saynaturalnews.com


We are planning on the next time to arrange a “chunky dunk”, i.e. the BodyFat Test. This is the body fat testing truck that has come a couple times to us. We are looking at October (pre-Holiday madness). If you are interested let us know!

See you all tomorrow morning at 10am for our 9/11 Tribute WOD “343”!