"The Bear Complex"

Perform 5 rounds of 7 sets (complexes) of the following sequence:

Power Clean

Front Squat

Push Press

Back Squat

Push Press


  1. Bar must touch the ground each sequence but cannot rest on the ground or it terminates the set. 
  2. Goal is to increase loads each round to complete “The Bear” with max load.  
  3. Rest as needed between sets.
  4. No re-grip allowed.
  5. You must power clean the bar to full standing position before squatting the weight. (Deadlift to Hang Power Clean) is allowed.


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Bear Complex

Going back and looking at the post of the time that six of you did this back in July was cool. Seeing everyone’s pic and reading about Amanda made me nostalgic for training in the garage. Almost. Today was the Bear re-match for Sherry and Amanda and they both PR’d it. Too bad the others didn’t make it in today. Sherry went from 60# max in July to 73# today. Amanda went from 35# to 50#. That’s improvement in strength, technique and conditioning. The “Bear” tests you mentally as well as physically. Even though you rest between the rounds, the sets of 7 sequences make you doubt you can finish without dropping the bar and keep adding weight. It’s uncomfortable and grueling. Getting through it is truly a “bear”. What did you think?

Video demo of “The Bear Complex”: [mov] [wmv]

The pictures tell the story:

Amanda_Bear M_Bear

Mark_Bear Rest