"This is hard"

or “that was Hell” or our favorite, in response to asking Greg if he was ready to try 95 pounds: “I should’ve kept my big mouth shut.” All quotes of the day. All six of you had similar observations. Remember hard work produces results.

4 Rounds for Time:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
15 Pull-ups
30 Squats

Amanda_This is Hard

We have a some shout outs today for a couple friends.  First off Alexandra Seal from CF No Limits completed her CrossFit Level 1 Certification this weekend down in Aromas, CA. She is front and center on the left side of the barbell. Congrats Alex!

Our good friend Derek from high school was in town visiting for the weekend and we got to throw down a few WOD’s and several PR’s. He’s been CrossFitting since January and has drunk the Kool-Aid. While here he completed Fran as RX’d and a CF Total. He also managed to nail his kipping pull-ups, learn handstand push-ups, power cleans, deadlifts, and most importantly got his first muscle-up! Then he strung a few together for good measure. Here’s a pic and video of that accomplishment. Great effort Derek!
Derek First Muscle-Up
Derek First Muscle-Up Video: