Team WOD: Burpee, Power Cleans, Sit-ups and Run

Team WOD_AbMat

Main Class:

Team WOD: Burpee, Power Cleans, Sit-ups and Run

As a Team of 2 complete for time:

25 Burpees
50 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
100 AbMat Sit-ups
Run 800m
100 AbMat Sit-ups
50 Power Cleans
25 Burpees
* 1 person working at a time; 1 bar per team
** Run together as a team


If you need to complete 15.2 then you have Monday any AM class to complete it. You must submit your score by 5pm PST.

Reminder: On Mondays during the Open only we will have a 6am Class and no 6am class on Thursdays. Plan ahead!

200m Runs_by Rob W

Run Photo by Rob W.

Inspiring story to read: Blind from wounds sustained in combat and still doing the Open:

Eleven Years After Mosul


Results 15.2 RX and Scaled