Team "Death By" Hang Squat Clean

Team "Death By" Hang Squat Clean

Death By Hang Squat Clean

With a continously running clock perform:
2 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs in the first 1 min
4 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs in the second 1 min
6 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs in the third 1 min

Continuing this for as long as you are able.
In Teams of 2:
During the first 1:00, your team must complete 2 Hang Cleans, 4 in the second minute, etc. continuing each minute until you cannot complete the total number of reps for the round.
* One bar per team
** Break up your reps however you please, just as long as your team completes the total amount of reps in a given minute.